
Download the Ethics Code of Menarini Diagnostics (only in Spanish language):


Read the Good Practices:

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Menarini Group Code of Conduct: integrity and ethics are the foundations of our actions

The Menarini Group Code of Conduct expresses the values that inspire our Group in its work. In no way may the intention of operating in the interest of Menarini, or a direct or indirect subsidiary, justify the adoption of conduct which contradicts the principles contained in this Code of Conduct.

We are convinced that constantly placing integrity and ethics at the foundation of our actions is the source of our strength and the key to ever-increasing success.

This code is not just a collection of words on a sheet of paper, but a direct, concrete guide to inspire the conduct of directors, managers and employees in Italy and abroad, as well as a commitment towards collective based on conscious actions with regard to our stakeholders.

The Menarini Group Code of Conduct is applicable for all Group companies, wherever they are located in the world."

pdf Download PDF

Menarini Diagnostics internal communication channel

Communicating the concerns related to the conduct of people in our organization is important to our culture of business ethics.

Menarini EthicsPoint

In the case that you become aware of a case of corruption or malpractice linked to the Catalan public sector, as well as the commission of infractions of Union Law or serious or very serious criminal and/or administrative infractions of our legal system in the framework -in the terms of article 3 of Law 2/2023, of February 20- of an employment, professional, contractual relationship or a legal relationship of another type with Menarini Diagnóstics, committed in Catalan territory, may direct communication, directly , to the anti-fraud office of Catalonia

Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya, Denuncia